Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Resurrection

Two years ago, I started this blog because I lacked practical skills. I thought that public documentation of this would perhaps motivate me to become better at things on my own, or failing that, that someone might at least come along and suggest a skill for me to acquire in order to have something to work towards. I was hoping to be held brutally accountable for any such utterance that suggested a target of personal growth.

Well, I never seemed to figure out what 'things' I wanted to be better at, and I never gave anyone a reason to engage with the project on a level deeper than "occasional skimming", so obviously, none of my goals ever came to fruition. Now, two years later, I've officially graduated and discarded the "I'm too busy with school" excuse for not learning anything independently, and as I'm searching for careers with a shopping cart full of soft skills and empty basket of technical proficiencies, it saddens me to recognize that I saw this train wreck coming with plenty of time to reroute the tracks. I definitely could have been a whiz at something by now.

Le sigh. Yet, here we are.

So I'm thinking it's time to try this again. I'm in a similar position to where I was the first time around: defeated, lost, and almost entirely lacking in money and resources. However, where I once had upcoming semesters and perceived future learning experiences, I now have nothing but space and time spread out before me, waiting to be filled with adventure and learning. I haven't just been twiddling my thumbs - I recently started doing yoga on YouTube and  signed up for some Skillshare classes on basic entrepreneurialism. Given everything else I've seen, it seems like it should be possible to learn absolutely flipping anything on the Internet. Piece of cake.

But, ACCOUNTABILITY. It'll be all about picking something manageable (and ideally transferable) and committing myself to achieving a specific, concrete goal. (Please note the irony in this vague generalization.)

To avoid becoming a total web-hermit and double the accountability, however, the most excellent manifestation of this endeavor would be if someone (like YOU!) were willing to teach me one of their own skills. I am eager and open to trade. I can currently offer baking, academic paper writing, and basic recorder and bass guitar. My offerings will increase as yours do.

That being said, I think it's far and away past time that I start taking a little more responsibility for myself. If you won't make these connections with me, then so help me, I will force myself upon you. But gently. And with compassion. You'll like it.

And so, it is with lingering hesitation but no clear intention that I now conclude this entry, already feeling pressured by this public declaration in spite of the fact that I have not yet offered any apparent plan of action.

Let's call that Week 2.

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