Friday, August 24, 2012

First Steps

Alright folks, I see we're going to have to do this the hard way. I appreciate the silent nods of approval and the raised fists of solidarity that I can only imagine are being cast toward the screen, however, I can't help but notice the radio silence on skill offerings. Not a problem. I can seduce you later. In the meantime, out of the public eye, one lone hero has emerged from the shadows to participate in this process of mutual growth. That hero?

I made a gif. Is that a skill?

Sara has graciously offered to share her paleo-cooking and urban foraging skills in exchange for an extra pair of eyes to go over an article she's going to submit about her personal story with the paleo diet (an excellent read, by the way, which I'll hopefully be able share when it's published!). We haven't had a chance to get together yet but I'm certain that the experience will be nourishing on numerous platforms.

In the past week or so, I've been working on that whole goal-setting thing. In a nutshell, what I want comes down to this: To be self-sufficient (including financially), more fit, and good at stuff. Is there a particular culture where vagueness is prized? Perhaps I should consider joining it. 

For the good at stuff bit, I started making a list of specific skills or tasks that I wanted to be able to complete. I feel like an appropriate place to start from that list is to create a customized blog design. Presumably for this blog. But we'll see. I haven't really taken any strides with that one, besides writing it on my freshly inaugurated "Goal Board".

In regards to fitness, I slapped down a goal of losing 5lbs. As I've already said to some of you in person, this is not because I'm particularly interested in losing any weight. I've been stable since high school minus one chubby sausage-bread-and-yogourt-filled year in Germany, so I've never really felt a strong desire to mess with that consistency. However, since (let's be honest) I don't plan to make many (or any) changes to my dietary habits, losing 5lbs becomes a measurable benchmark that is only surmountable by increased fat-burning activities! So I've created a bit of an exercise schedule for myself. Thus far, I've kept to it about 50% of the time. It's a start.

Finally, in terms of self-sufficiency, the main goal for now is this: GET A JOB. I've certainly been working the hardest at making this goal, yet it's probably the goal that I spent the least time setting. I could probably stand to clarify the terms of this prize and lay out the pathway to it, because evidently, I haven't had much luck so far. However, I'm still hoping to hear back from some promising applications. If you or anyone you know would like to hire me, do drop a line! I get shit done. 

Until next time, folks!


  1. Haha well I've never been honoured in this way before! Quite the pleasant surprise. And your gif-making skills definitely exceed mine. Let's actually make this skill-sharing happen sometime in September!

